Using SCALES in Ableton Live 11​

This is how you can use the SCALES feature in Ableton Live 11's MIDI Clip Editor to know which notes are in a certain scale.

Never play a wrong note again.

This is how you can use the SCALES feature in Ableton Live 11’s MIDI Clip Editor to know which notes are in a certain scale.

How it works

1. Create a MIDI Clip

To do this, select any region on a MIDI Track and use the following shortcut: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + M

creating a midi clip

2. Open the MIDI Clip and turn on the “Scale” button. (see 1.)

When you select a scale next, you can see all the notes that are in it indicated on the piano roll. (see 2.)

selecting a scale

Enable “Scale” next to the “Fold” button to ONLY see notes from the selected scale.

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