Licensing Information

Licensing Information

On this page you’ll find everything you need to know about how my products are licensed. 

Any files, sounds, presets, devices, or other digital products (hereafter referred to as ‘Products’) downloaded and / or purchased from and any of its child pages (hereafter referred to as ‘My Website’) can be freely used for your own musical productions. Thus crediting Matt Flanc is not needed.

You are not permitted to redistribute Products for profit, or any other purpose. Instead, sharing any of the Products to friends or anyone else should be done by directing said person to My Website.

You are not permitted to use any of my Products to create any other sounds, presets, devices, or other products.

What you are buying when buying one of my Products, is a license to use the Product in your own musical productions. You are under no circumstances obtaining ownership of any of my Products. When purchasing and / or downloading any of my Products you get a single user license, which allows you to use the Products in your own musical compositions. You are allowed to release such musical compositions commercially without additional payment of any further royalties or fees for such usage.

If at any point you are unsure about what you are / aren’t allowed to do with any of my Products, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

For more information about your privacy, you can view my privacy policy.

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