When I started out producing, I used to think that in order to produce better songs I needed more tracks. But that’s not entirely true. In this video I explain why more tracks isn’t better.
Less is more?
In the context of making music, the concept of less is more can be applied in a number of ways. For example, a musician who is composing a song may choose to use a limited number of musical elements, such as a simple chord progression or a limited number of instruments, in order to create a sense of simplicity and focus. This can help to make the song more memorable and impactful, and can allow the listener to more easily connect with the music. Similarly, a musician who is performing live may choose to use minimal stage lighting or production elements in order to create a sense of intimacy and connection with the audience. In both cases, the idea of less is more can help the musician to create a more powerful and effective musical experience.